About us
Our mision is your security
Santillana de Seguridad is a legally constituted company and has an operating license issued by the Superintendencia de Vigilancia y Seguridad Privada (Superintendence of Surveillance and Private Security).
Santillana de Seguridad has 20 years of service and is managed by experts with more than 25 years of experience in AVSEC security.
We handle critical security processes in transportation to the United States and Europe.
We support our clients in the audits and processes of aeronautical authority and in the certifications of quality and standards IOSA, IATA ACC3. Santillana de Seguridad is certified in the International Standard ISO 28000. ___
We support your organization in security processes!
Santillana de Seguridad has permission from the Ministry of Social Protection for complementary work
Santillana de Seguridad has been founded for 20 years and is directed by experts with more than 25 years of experience in airport security.
We are affiliated with the National Police Support Network, with which we remain in communication 24 hours a day.
We provide in our designs and implementations Integral security solutions according to your needs
Welcome to our new client
Our first CAA Certified AVSEC Course
We have the approval of the CAA to start the AVSEC training in house.
Welcome to our new client
We acquired the x-ray simulator
Safe PASSAGE program