Services briefcase

Physical security services for airlines and airports.

Consulting at AVSEC.

Physical surveillance services


Description of the avsec operation:

1. Objective

The main objective of the security company that provides its AVSEC services is to ensure that all the procedures required by national and international regulations are complied with and in this way prevent illegal or dangerous acts from being committed in the facilities or on board the aircraft of the Airlines.

2. Operating concept

The operational concept applicable to AVSEC security operation is the in-depth security concept against threats that exist in civil aviation.

  • PSE Operator Safety Plan
    National Civil Aviation Security Program RAC 160
    National Program for Quality Control of Civil Aviation Security Resolution UAE Aeronáutica Civil No. 01129
    Resolution No. 2400 of 1979 of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security
    ICAO Annex 17 to the Convention on Civil Aviation
    International – Protection of International Civil Aviation Against Acts of Unlawful Interference
    Security Manual for the Safeguarding of Civil Aviation against Acts of Unlawful Interference (Doc 8973 – Restricted) volumes 2, 4 and 5
    ICAO Document 9284 – Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air
    Regulations established by the American authorities (FAA and TSA) that may apply to this provision of services.
    ACISP Standard Safety Program for Cargo Aircraft Operators.
    MSP Model Safety Program for foreign aircraft operators traveling to the United States
    HSSEQIT comprehensive security standards that correspond to:

For the control of operations we have manuals of general and specific functions of the position or Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Acronym designated by ICAO

In each shift there will be a Safety Supervisor in charge of the operation who will have the necessary tools to inform the Operations Management of any news and in turn to the Airline Safety Management.

The Project Coordinator will act as a liaison with the authorities, airlines and OPAN.

Our quality control system is in accordance with resolution 0222 of Civil Aeronautics and document 9807 reference manual for ICAO security audits and TSA security programs.

The AVSEC security tests are defined as an act of controlled unlawful interference, in the case of this project the tests will be coordinated with those in charge of the Airline’s security and its main objective will be to maintain the alert of the personnel in the different areas of the operation.

Operations are monitored in person, but there is also a rounds control system via Avantel which is measured in real time via the internet and allows those in charge of Airline security to receive reports with photographs of all jobs. at the national level.

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